[thelist] random image w/ accompanying text?

Erika Meyer erika at seastorm.com
Sun Jul 2 21:58:00 CDT 2000

I don't care too much if it's client-side or server-side.  I'm 
inclined to lean toward server-side just because it "looks" cleaner. 
I'm less experienced with Perl/CGI but willing to try stringing up a 
pre-made script.
But client or server side would either/both be okay, as long as 
something comes up when JS is turned off.

>  - what platform?

apache server (is that a platform?).

>or client-side?
>  - do you intend to preformat the HTML, or have the JS pull that together?

um.  simple as possible is preferred.  I'm visualizing something like:

<div class="image">
<img src="images/image1.gif" alt="image1" width="100" height="100" />
a caption which relates to the image

The formatting would stay the same, regardless of the particular image/text.
I would like to use "alt" in the image tag.

I'm thinking about the front page of http://www.seastorm.com:
the possibility of cycling between 3-5 different images with 
accompanying quotes.



erika at seastorm.com

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