[thelist] selective cookie acceptance

Shoshannah Forbes xslf at xslf.com
Tue Jul 11 17:15:11 CDT 2000

From: "Steve Maxey" <smaxey at bcr.com>
> >Is it possible to set up one's browser to allow (or dissallow) cookies
> >based on domain name or referrer/source
> Depends on the browser/platform.
> On Windows, you need shareware. I've been using Cookie Pal, and have been
> happy with it. Still, its options are fairly rudimentary compared with

On windows (and on Mac) You can use IE5 zones to control coockies.
I setup my IE5 security zones with custom settings, where:

* internet zone- accepts per-session cookies, ask any for any other type
* trusted sites- accept all cookies
* restricted sites- decline all cookies

Now I went and added a long list to ad sites and other sites that I do not
wish to get cookies from to the restricted sites zone.
Sites I trust and use cookies to keep customization in I added to the
trusted sites zone.

Everything else I decide on a case by case basis.  (sites that give me 4+
cookies per page tend to go to the restricted sites zone very quickly...)

I also go and clean my cookies file everyone once in a while, adding sites
to zones etc.

I admit that this was not my original idea, but it works very well for me

A nice tutorial to get you started (and where I got the idea from) can be
found here:

another part in that FAQ:
where they have been working about creating another, separate, security zone
in IE5. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I heard very good things about

(The rest of the site is worth a read too)
Hope this helps

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These sites might help:
* Online Color Scheme Generator- http://www.colorschemer.com/
* The Web safe colors in words- http://bulltown.com/colorspeak/1/

Shoshannah Forbes  http://www.forbes.co.il
Moderator, Site builder forum, nana
My Backflip folders- the best sites on the 'net

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