[thelist] Re: url variables

David Shadovitz david_shadovitz at xontech.com
Fri Jul 14 16:55:51 CDT 2000

>> <cfif Len(url.site)>
>>   <cflocation url="#url.site#" addtoken="no">

Aaron wrote:
> in CF, is it best to use "url.variable"?  I've found that I can use
> "variable" and it works ok - will this blow up in my face later?


Using just the variable name will work, but the CF server must check all
variable scopes (e.g. FORM, URL, SERVER, etc.) until it finds the
variable.  If you specify the scope, the server has less work to do.

If the variable may be in more than one scope (e.g. the current page can
be reached via either a form submittal or a hyperlink), then you'd be
better off omitting the scope.


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