[thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag

David Shadovitz david_shadovitz at xontech.com
Wed Jul 19 19:18:18 CDT 2000

> How can I put a whole BLOCK of stuff in my head section via the
> application file?  Stylesheet spec and language and doctype,
> copyright, webmaster, for example.


Here's a solution posted by Dave Watts on the CF-Talk list some time

You might find it difficult to put complex strings in the TEXT
attribute; you'll have to escape quotes, and you won't be able to have
line breaks. You can work around this by creating a custom tag with a
start and end execution mode, which reads its contents and calls

<!--- CF_HTMLHEAD custom tag --->
<CFIF ThisTag.ExecutionMode IS "End">
        <CFHTMLHEAD TEXT="#ThisTag.GeneratedContent#">
        <CFSET ThisTag.GeneratedContent = "">
<!--- end CF_HTMLHEAD custom tag --->


<!--- using CF_HTMLHEAD custom tag in application.cfm --->
<META NAME="foo" VALUE="bar">
<META NAME="foo2" VALUE="bar2">
Other advice:
(1) use #CHR(34)# instead of double quote
(2) use two double quotes (from eVolt's own Jeff)

-David Shadovitz

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