The Week Of Monday 17 July 2000 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jul 17 02:12:51 CDT 2000
Ending: Sun Jul 23 23:54:21 CDT 2000
Messages: 585
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] [thelist]Drop down form thing
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] HTML coding via JS in a form
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Aylard JA (James)
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
- [thelist] site price help
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] RE: Isaac-Quick Mouseover Check
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] Second Quick Mouseover Check
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] RE: Jeff- Second Quick Mouseover Check
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] SSH/Telnet/SecureCRT
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] SSH/Telnet/SecureCRT
Gina K. Anderson
- [thelist] Need Mac users input on a web page
Mark Van Baale
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Attachments to HTML forms
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] IIS4.0 / MMC dies after power failure.
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Inserting PDF from SQL Server into web page
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Inserting PDF from SQL Server into web page
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] dreamweaver3!
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] cookies in perl/cgi
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] cookies in perl/cgi
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] Using CGI from ASP
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] cookies in perl/cgi
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] chmod & PHP question
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] chmod & PHP question
Anthony Baratta
- [thelist] re:site price help
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: site price help
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: site price help
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: site price help
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: starting a website
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: second quick mouseover check
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] re: how do you make a trademark symbol
Lisa Bartholomew
- [thelist] Invisible Hit Counter?
Jeff Basko
- [thelist] re: site price help
Jeff Basko
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] Dynamic StyleSheets?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] Dynamic StyleSheets?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] Dynamic StyleSheets?
Tony K Bounds
- [thelist] Re: thelist digest, Vol 1 #632 - 43 msgs
Paul Bradforth
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Paul Bradforth
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Paul Bradforth
- [thelist] Need Mac users input on a web page
Marlene Bruce
- [thelist] critique for the uninspired designer
Marlene Bruce
- [thelist] Costs & Price of living
Burns, Martin (RBS)
- [thelist] Won't return results for 0 matches
- [thelist] One for the JS experts
- [thelist] Help with sql statements
- [thelist] Help with sql statements
- [thelist] cf redirection
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] <cfpop> and date formating
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] linux problems
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] site price help
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] Unsubscribe problems
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] webapp logic
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] SSH/Telnet/SecureCRT
Daniel J. Cody
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Rachell Coe
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Rachell Coe
- [thelist] Need web hosting suggestions
Rachell Coe
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
Rachell Coe
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Vladimir Cole
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Vladimir Cole
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
- [thelist] cf redirection
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] Spiders and ASP
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] Spiders and ASP
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] CF Help - I don't know what to call it.
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] fusebox
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] fusebox
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] CFinsert,update,input=file
Seth Bienek - Web Consultant
- [thelist] ICANN Election
Steve Cook
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Steve Cook
- [thelist] vbscript comments
Steve Cook
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Steve Cook
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
Eric Costello
- [thelist] How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Eric Costello
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
Eric Costello
- [thelist] Dynamic StyleSheets?
Eric Costello
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
David Crowther
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] cf redirection
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] cf redirection
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] cf redirection - solved! (?)
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] cf redirection
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] <cfpop> and date formating
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] HTML coding via JS in a form
Czechowski, Aaron
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Chris Danek
- [thelist] Friday Freebies, part II
Chris Danek
- [thelist] Need Mac users input on a web page
Bob Davis
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Bob Davis
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Bob Davis
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
Manuel Delgado
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Scott Dexter
- expanded response.buffer tip (was: RE: [thelist] Spiders and ASP)
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Grammar tips
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] FW: [aspng] RE: preferred programming language ????
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] RE: preferred programming language
Scott Dexter
- My last one I swear. (was Re: [thelist] re:site price help)
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] vbscript comments
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] IIS4.0 / MMC dies after power failure.
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] IIS4.0 / MMC dies after power failure.
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Good ASP Tutorials
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Friday Freebie
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] The client from hell
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Friday Freebie
Scott Dexter
- FOLLOWUP RE: [thelist] need quick SSL check
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Emails thru ASPs
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Hiding the results of a GET form
Scott Dexter
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] Measuring site performance and succes
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] PHP question
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] PP Wizard... HTML Preprocessor
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Van Dijck
- [thelist] New TLDs on the way .. for better or worse.
George Donnelly
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
George Donnelly
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
George Donnelly
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
George Donnelly
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
George Donnelly
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
George Donnelly
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
John Dowdell
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
James Drinkwater
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Pete Dronzek
- [thelist] Grammar tips
Wolf Duby
- [thelist] re:site price help
A. Erickson
- [thelist] re:site price help
A. Erickson
- [thelist] re: site price help
A. Erickson
- [thelist] re: site price help
A. Erickson
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
A. Erickson
- [thelist] Redirect Javascript
A. Erickson
- [thelist] The client from hell
A. Erickson
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
A. Erickson
- [thelist] CFinsert,update,input=file
Chris Evans
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
Chris Evans
- [thelist] test
Adrian Fischer
- [thelist] cookies in perl/cgi
Adrian Fischer
- [thelist] cookies in perl/cgi
Adrian Fischer
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Jay Fitzgerald
- [thelist] Measuring site performance and succes
Lotta Fjelkegård
- [thelist] Moving from NS?
Shoshannah Forbes
- [thelist] Another question
Shoshannah Forbes
- [thelist] another asp question
Shoshannah Forbes
- [thelist] Spiders and ASP
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] re: site price help
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] cfloop
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
Isaac Forman
- [thelist] Production Management Software for Mac?
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
- [thelist] Second Quick Mouseover Check
Julia Frizzell
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Julia Frizzell
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Julia Frizzell
- [thelist] cf redirection
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] cf redirection
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] cfhtmlhead tag
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] CFinsert,update,input=file
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] cfloop
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] text box differences IE vs NN
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
Palyne Gaenir
- [thelist] Hiding the results of a GET form
Michael Galvin
- [thelist] Using CGI from ASP
Michael Galvin
- [thelist] Synchronising online~offline databases - ideas?
Michael Galvin
- [thelist] re: coffee cup editor
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Catherine Giayvia
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Gillespie, Bryan
- [thelist] CF Help - I don't know what to call it.
Minh Lee Goon
- [thelist] CF Help - I don't know what to call it.
Minh Lee Goon
- [thelist] CF Help - I don't know what to call it.
Minh Lee Goon
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
Minh Lee Goon
- [thelist] Emails thru ASPs
Christopher Orth - HQ
- [thelist] When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
Christopher Orth - HQ
- [thelist] webapp logic
Niklaus Haldimann
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Niklaus Haldimann
- [thelist] Funny URLOTD...
Ben Henick
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
Ben Henick
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Elizabeth Hincks
- [thelist] [thelist]Drop down form thing
Elizabeth Hincks
- [thelist] Function to strip HTML in ASP
Chris Houston.
- [thelist] IIS4.0 / MMC dies after power failure.
Chris Houston.
- [thelist] Re: [thesite] <cfpop> and date formating
Jeff Howden
- [thelist] Need Mac users input on a web page
Fred Hubnik
- [thelist] Meta Tags
Fred Hubnik
- [thelist] linux problems
Lumir G Janku
- [thelist] New TLDs on the way .. for better or worse.
- [thelist] Second Quick Mouseover Check
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
- [thelist] CFinsert,update,input=file
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
- [thelist] fusebox
- [thelist] fusebox
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
- [thelist] New Virus Alert
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Donna Jones
- [thelist] Dynamic StyleSheets?
Donna Jones
- [thelist] re:site price help
Katie Kearns
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Mike King
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
Erin Kissane
- [thelist] Back to font sizes (for the eighty-fifth time)
Erin Kissane
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
Peter-Paul Koch
- [thelist] text box differences IE vs NN
Peter-Paul Koch
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Peter-Paul Koch
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Peter-Paul Koch
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Peter-Paul Koch
- [thelist] Critical Text Analysis
Jorah Lavin
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Jorah Lavin
- [thelist] Please, we on the Digest beg you...
Jorah Lavin
- [thelist] Hoax was: New Virus Alert
Jorah Lavin
- [thelist] Attachments to HTML forms
Liz Lawson
- [thelist] SQL left join - it works, but why?
Liz Lawson
- [thelist] SQL left join - it works, but why?
Liz Lawson
- [thelist] Need help : HTML from PC > Mac
Liz Lawson
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Liz Lawson
- [thelist] cf: adjusting for timezones
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] cf: adjusting for timezones
Oliver Lineham
- It chaps my hide (was Re: [thelist] New TLDs on the way .. for better or worse.)
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] re:site price help
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] re:site price help
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] re:site price help
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] re: site price help
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] razorfish retaliates
Oliver Lineham
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Jamie Madden
- [thelist] Contracts
Jamie Madden
- [thelist] New Virus_Wobbler_HOAX
- [thelist] site price help
- [thelist] re:site price help
- [thelist] Invisible Hit Counter?
- [thelist] FW: [aspng] RE: preferred programming language ????
- [thelist] ICANN Election
- [thelist] XP: Doing Things Right
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
- [thelist] re:site price help
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
- [thelist] re: site price help
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
- [thelist] [thelist]Drop down form thing
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
- [thelist] test
- [thelist] When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
- [thelist] Need web hosting suggestions
Brent Martino
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
Erik Mattheis
- [thelist] Flash Genius
Watkins Matthew
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Watkins Matthew
- [thelist] Funny URLOTD...
Steve Maxey
- [thelist] How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Steve Maxey
- [thelist] [thelist]Drop down form thing
Steve Maxey
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Steve Maxey
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Bonnie McCoy
- [thelist] FW: [aspng] RE: preferred programming language ????
David McCreath
- [thelist] Quick Mouseover Check (Client Doesn't See It)
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
- [thelist] How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Angie McKaig
- [thelist] Another question
Daniel McMurray
- [thelist] Moving from NS?
Daniel McMurray
- [thelist] Second Quick Mouseover Check
Patricia Meeks
- [thelist] Back to font sizes (for the eighty-fifth time)
Patricia Meeks
- [thelist] News: CNET buys ZDNet
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] Redirect Javascript
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] re:site price help
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] Redirect Javascript
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] Good ASP Tutorials
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] XCache performance
Madhu Menon
- [thelist] site price help
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Grammar tips
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Need Mac users input on a web page
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] re:site price help
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] razorfish retaliates
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Erika Meyer
- [thelist] Inserting PDF from SQL Server into web page
Miller, Bart
- [thelist] RE: Inserting PDF from SQL Server into web page
Miller, Bart
- [thelist] New Virus Alert
Eileen Mok
- [thelist] New Virus Alert
Eileen Mok
- [thelist] PHP question
Jason Morehead
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Richard H. Morris
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
Zachary Mutrux
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Zachary Mutrux
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed? (photography analogy)
Zachary Mutrux
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Roger Newbrook
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Roger Newbrook
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Roger Newbrook
- [thelist] Eudora (Migration from Netscape Mail)
David Nicholls
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
David Nicholls
- [thelist] linux problems
Arthur Noel
- [thelist] ICANN Election
Kevin B. O'Brien
- [thelist] ICANN Election
Kevin B. O'Brien
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Kevin B. O'Brien
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
Kevin B. O'Brien
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Tony Page
- [thelist] text box differences IE vs NN
Edd Partee
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] vbscript comments
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] SQL left join - it works, but why?
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] Won't return results for 0 matches
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] another asp question
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] another asp question
Adam Patrick
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Wendy Peck
- [thelist] streaming video
Perales, Andres Jr. SGT--G6
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
Annie Phelan
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
Annie Phelan
- [thelist] Spiders and ASP
Potts, Douglas
- [thelist] Spiders and ASP
Potts, Douglas
- [thelist] Good ASP Tutorials
Potts, Douglas
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
H. G. Quinn
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
H. G. Quinn
- [thelist] The Collapse of NSI....????
H. G. Quinn
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
H. G. Quinn
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
Erik Sabowski
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
Erik Sabowski
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Erik Sabowski
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
Erik Sabowski
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Erik Michael Sabowski
- changing links (was Re: [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac)
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
- [thelist] site price help
Theodore Serbinski
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
Theodore Serbinski
- [thelist] contract help
Theodore Serbinski
- [thelist] re: coffee cup editor
Theodore Serbinski
- [thelist] re: coffee cup editor
Theodore Serbinski
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
David Shadovitz
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Jodi Short
- [thelist] The client from hell
Jodi Short
- [thelist] Unsubscribe problems
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Peter Small
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
John Snippe
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
John Snippe
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
John Snippe
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
John Snippe
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
John Snippe
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
John Snippe
- [thelist] PHP question
James Spahr
- [thelist] One for the JS experts
James Spahr
- [thelist] PHP question
James Spahr
- [thelist] chmod & PHP question
James Spahr
- [thelist] chmod & PHP question
James Spahr
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
Katherine Spice
- [thelist] New Virus Alert
Jacob Stetser
- [thelist] Back to font sizes (for the eighty-fifth time)
Stevens, Sharon
- [thelist] Unsubscribe problems
Tim Stewart
- It chaps my hide (was Re: [thelist] New TLDs on the way .. for better or worse.)
Greg Strange
- [thelist] re:site price help
Greg Strange
- My last one I swear. (was Re: [thelist] re:site price help)
Greg Strange
- [thelist] re:site price help
Greg Strange
- [thelist] linux problems
Greg Strange
- My last one I swear. (was Re: [thelist] re:site price help)
Greg Strange
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
Greg Strange
- [thelist] Redirect Javascript
Bert Szoghy
- [thelist] Attachments to HTML forms
Matt Townsend
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
Meredith Tupper
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Jay Turley
- [thelist] simple question (I hope): chat
Villano, Paul
- [thelist] Grammar tips
Villano, Paul
- [thelist] XP: Doing Things Right
Villano, Paul
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] fusebox
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] fusebox
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] CFinsert,update,input=file
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
Walker, Matthew
- [thelist] Win2K Again...
Ron White
- [thelist] Grammar tips
Ron White
- [thelist] check this out
Ron White
- [thelist] vbscript comments
Ron White
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Ron White
- [thelist] Moving from NS?
Ron White
- [thelist] WebCrypt 2000
Ron White
- [thelist] WebCrypt 2000
Ron White
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
Ron White
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
Whitten, Gary
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
Mike Wick
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Jen Worden
- [thelist] Need help : HTML from PC > Mac
Jen Worden
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Jen Worden
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Jen Worden
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
Jen Worden
- [thelist] Invisible Hit Counter?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] Invisible Hit Counter?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] (thelist) When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
Aileen Wrothwell
- [thelist] Grammar tips
- [thelist] need quick SSL check
- [thelist] Grammar tips
- [thelist] Attachments to HTML forms
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
- [thelist] Another question
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
- [thelist] webapp logic
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
- [thelist] Redirect Javascript
- [thelist] Bill E-mail As Consultation Hours?
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
- [thelist] Need help : HTML from PC > Mac
- [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac
- [thelist] The client from hell
- [thelist] [thelist]Drop down form thing
- changing links (was Re: [thelist] Copying HTML from PC to Mac)
- [thelist] AvantGo browser
- [thelist] AvantGo browser
- [thelist] WebCrypt 2000
- [thelist] HTML coding via JS in a form
- [thelist] text box differences IE vs NN
- [thelist] Back to font sizes (for the eighty-fifth time)
- [thelist] CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?
- [thelist] (thelist) When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
- [thelist] (thelist) When Do You Bill--Before or After Publication?
- [thelist] Emails thru ASPs
- [thelist] Using CGI from ASP
- [thelist] Hiding the results of a GET form
- [thelist] files(help)
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
- [thelist] IE 5.5 and fonts
Kingorbitao at
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
martin burns
- [thelist] Content Management Systems
martin burns
- [thelist] Flash Genius
martin burns
- [thelist] Unsubscribe problems
martin burns
- [thelist] re:site price help
martin burns
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] razorfish retaliates
martin burns
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] RE: Razorfish retaliates - there's a reason for the cost
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] AvantGo browser
martin burns
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
martin burns
- [thelist] WebCrypt 2000
martin burns
- [thelist] Need web hosting suggestions
martin burns
- [thelist] IE 5.00.3105.0106 Peculiarity Running on Win NT 4.0 SP6a
Gregory.John.Toland at
- [thelist] FrontPage2000 Include Page Component Locking Up....
Gregory.John.Toland at
- [thelist] Flash Genius (Was: Tremendously simple use of flash...)
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
- [thelist] Flash Genius
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
- [thelist] IE = Mozilla in log?
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
- [thelist] Are Web designers a dying breed?
roberto fabra
- [thelist] New TLDs on the way .. for better or worse.
isaac forman
- [thelist] cf: adjusting for timezones
isaac forman
- [thelist] cf redirection
isaac forman
- [thelist] linux problems
dave gray
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
dave gray
- [thelist] text box differences IE vs NN
dave gray
- [thelist] OT: Windows 98 Shortcut Key
l a u r a *^* l y n c h
- [thelist] XML: DOM and DTDs
Teresa_Molina at
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
Teresa_Molina at
- [thelist] Broad Vision versus Dyanamo
Teresa_Molina at
- [thelist] xCBL
Teresa_Molina at
- [thelist] Perl beginner's questions plu Outlook issue
tiger at
- [thelist] Web Architecture, anyone?
- [thelist] Tremendously simple use of flash to make a point.
- [thelist] cf redirection
- [thelist] CF Help - I don't know what to call it.
- [thelist] CFMAIL Kinks?
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
- [thelist] Rollovers without links
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
- [thelist] Re: cfhtmlhead tag
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
- [thelist] FW: [aspng] RE: preferred programming language ????
cherian joseph
- [thelist] RE: preferred programming language
cherian joseph
- [thelist] re: starting a website
cherian joseph
- [thelist] Emails thru ASPs
cherian joseph
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
- [thelist] Flash Genius
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
- [thelist] IE 5.5 & CSS
- [thelist] re:site price help
the head lemur
- [thelist] How would you respond to this client
the head lemur
- [thelist] re:site price help
the head lemur
- [thelist] RE: Isaac-Quick Mouseover Check
the head lemur
- [thelist] razorfish retaliates
the head lemur
- [thelist] Emails thru ASPs
the head lemur
- [thelist] Attachments to HTML forms
rudy limeback
- [thelist] <cfpop> and date formating
rudy limeback
- [thelist] OnBlur and CFIF together?
rudy limeback
- [thelist] Won't return results for 0 matches
rudy limeback
- [thelist] re:site price help
rudy limeback
- [thelist] CF Timestamp in a hidden input
rudy limeback
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
rudy limeback
- [thelist] (thelist) How Do You Make a Trademark Symbol?
rudy limeback
- [thelist] Are Web designers weird?
rudy limeback
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
rudy limeback
- [thelist] CF - MAXROWS
rudy limeback
- [thelist] Help with sql statements
rudy limeback
- [thelist] Headlines from for 19-Jul-00
thesite at
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
snowboom2 at
- [thelist] XHTML overrated (was: CSS, Netscape, .class oddity?)
snowboom2 at
- [thelist] dreamweaver3!
thomas stephen
- [thelist] files(help)
thomas stephen
- [thelist] Need web hosting suggestions
Scott_Brady at
- [thelist] Need web hosting suggestions
Scott_Brady at
Last message date:
Sun Jul 23 23:54:21 CDT 2000
Archived on: Mon Dec 7 20:08:08 CST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).