[thelist] Page is not updated before refresh (CF)

Minh Lee Goon v7ac at sdsumus.sdstate.edu
Fri Sep 22 14:09:02 CDT 2000

Hi all.
I've been having a lot of fun with CF lately but one thing has been
bothering me. I've kinda found a way around it but I wondered what the
more enlightened in our group are doing.

I have a few forms that I use to update information in my various
databases. Anyway, after updating that information, I use <cflocation>
to redirect the user back to that same page. The information on that
page doesn't reflect the changes I just made until I press refresh.
Instead of having the users do that, I just have an action page for my
forms and a <meta> to refresh after a quick flash that the operation has
been completed. 

Is anyone out there doing something different that would help me avoid
that refresh page? I'd like to be able to just skip right into that same
page with the updated information. Recommendations?

Thanks in advance.


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