[thelist] Netscape 6 loads page twice

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 7 14:00:03 CST 2000

> From: "John Scoot" <john.scoot at virgin.net>
> My post was a bit tongue in cheek and was made after seeing the way that NN6
> rendered one of our prime sites that works perfectly in all versions of
> NN4 - unfortunately I forgot that irony is lost on many of our cousins in
> the new world.
> I resent snide comments about the standard of our coding, the site in
> question is www.buildingadvice.co.uk  - you can make your own minds up.

i think you might mean my post... i wasn't trying to be snide, i was 
just making a general comment... if a site doesn't work in N6, then 
it most likely isn't to spec... if you know it's not to spec, then don't 
complain about how N6 renders it since you've already made that 

> As for coding to 'standards' - we only follow standards to the extent they
> work for our sites and we are not afraid to push the barriers if necessary.

convenience, you mean... i have no problem pushing the 
boundaries... again, it depends on the site and the audience... i do 
a lot of e-commerce development, so using standards is a great 
place to start... pushing boundaries isn't...

> If everyone slavishly stuck to standards we would all still be looking at
> green screens and coding in COBOL.

huh?  that's a little extreme... if everyone stuck to standards, all 
the browsers would work the same...

> On market share maybe the picture is skewed here in the UK, but we never
> find more that 10% none IE browsers visiting our sites and that includes ALL
> versions of Netscape and Opera.
> Do I care about not reaching 100% of the market? Not a jot if I can give a
> far more interesting web experience to the 90% I am targeting and as a
> result, get a better response from them.

and that's your decision, hopefully made from a business ROI 
perspective, and not on an 'ease of development' perspective...

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