[thelist] Considering Redesign

Michael Buffington mike at price.com
Tue Dec 12 10:53:49 CST 2000

I'm considering doing some redesign on my personal site, and was wondering
if anyone had any ideas on how to improve what I currently have at:


If I feel there's still people who enjoy the current design, I'll probably
put off the redesign, but if people think it sucks I'll consider a new look.


Now that I've shamelessly plugged my site, I'm obligated to offer a tip.
Just found this out yesterday.

<tip type="ColdFusion Studio 4.5" author="Michael Buffington">
Adding breakpoints (clicking on the line number, adding a red or green bar)
is impossible on untitled, unsaved files.  You must save the file before you
can add breakpoints.  While this might seem completely logical to folks who
use the debugging features of Studio, those who use the break points as
"place holders" might find this frustrating.

Michael Buffington
mike at price.com
(714) 556-3890 x222

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