[thelist] getting position of non-positioned elements

Karen Bowen KarenB at frontiersoftware.com.au
Fri Dec 15 00:28:27 CST 2000

Thanks Jeff.  The extra lines for object detection is what I was hoping to
avoid, as there are 200 or so pages with up to 6 select boxes each,
referenced many times in 2 different page-specific functions for dynamic
population...  To add the if/else case for each...  ick!

However the new code works really well, except that we've now discovered a
couple of pages that create a new input box for each select option as it's
returned...  ending up with 4 or 5 input boxes replacing each select box!
I'm going to try using a counter or something similar to ensure only one is
created, which I'm pretty sure should work. (hope!)

If anyone wants to see, this is the code for the 2 dropDown functions now:

// *********************************************************************
function dropDownsOff() {
  var w = glob.dataFrame;
  var d = w.document;
  var f = d.forms[0];
  var num = 0;
  for (var i=0; i< f.length; i++) {
    var el = f[i];

    if (el.tagName == "SELECT") {
      var holder = d.createElement("INPUT");    // new input box
      var sel = el.selectedIndex;	// get selection

      var par = el.parentNode;	// get parent node
      oTemp = par.appendChild(holder);
      parForm = par;	// store globally

      if (sel != -1) {
        // something selected
        var val = el[sel].value;
        var txt = el[sel].text;
      } else {
        // nothing has been selected, so do an empty input box
        var val = "";
        var txt = "Nothing selected.";

      holder.value = txt;
      holder.text = txt;
      holder.className = el.className;
      // Store objects for toggling
      glob.aSelBoxes[num] = el;	        // store orig. select box
      glob.aReplBoxes[num] = holder;   // store temp replcmt box

      // toggle display of input & select boxes
      el.style.display = "none";
      holder.style.display = "inline";

// *********************************************************************
// Return page to normal state (Show select boxes)
function dropDownsOn() {
  for (var i=0; i<numSels; i++) {
    glob.aReplBoxes[i].style.display = "none";
    glob.aSelBoxes[i].style.display = "inline";

  // Re-initialise arrays
  glob.aSelBoxes = new Array();
  glob.aReplBoxes = new Array();
// *********************************************************************

Thanks so much to everyone for all the help!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	jeff [SMTP:jeff at lists.evolt.org]
> this is correct.  as soon as you alter the innerHTML of the tag containing
> the element, that element is removed from the page.  so, to make sure you
> can still access just do some object detection.

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