[thelist] Javascript Versioning

david braun david.braun at centralnet.ch
Sun Dec 17 06:53:10 CST 2000

On 16.12.2000 at 11:53 Uhr, gassinaumasis at hotmail.com (Peter-Paul Koch) wrote:

> Generally I never use JavaScript versions because I find them too 
> unreliable. What use to detect JavaScript 1.2 if NN4 and IE4 are as 
> different as night and day?

You could use it for some kind of "browser-detection", since, if you
send out "javascript 1.3" the elder browsers wont get it... not
declaring a version gets the browser to execute scripts no matter wether
they actually -can- execute the code or not.

And there's syntax-differences that _can_ matter (though I can't
remember what they are)


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