[thelist] Apache Win32 + Cold Fusion.. what's the trick?

Joshua OIson joshua at alphashop.net
Sat Dec 30 14:55:08 CST 2000

I think I found my own answer:  It turns out it's in the online documents
for CF Server.

<tip type="Apache and Cold Fusion">
To configure Apache for ColdFusion:

If a version of the Apache Web server is running, shut down the web server.

Copy the module cfusion\bin\ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll to your Apache
modules directory, typically: c:\Apache\modules\ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll.

Edit the c:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf configuration file to contain the
following line:

LoadModule coldfusion_module modules/ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll

Restart the Apache Web server.



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