[thelist] MouseOver for graphical submit buttons?

martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com
Fri Jan 12 04:28:33 CST 2001

Memo from Martin P Burns of PricewaterhouseCoopers

-------------------- Start of message text --------------------

The question isn't "do we need to support equal funkiness on
all platforms", but rather "how can we avoid *accidentally* cutting
off some of our users from the basic service".

Having a rollover on a submit button is unlikely to be part of the basic
service - it's a 'nice to have' extra. The ideal is that that extra funkiness
will be available for those who can access it, but degrade gracefully
for those who can't.

But unless you consider and test on the other platforms, you'll never know,
so you can't make a sensible business decision about them.

3% of sales can make or break a business...


Please respond to thelist at lists.evolt.org
To:   thelist at lists.evolt.org

Subject:  RE: [thelist] MouseOver for graphical submit buttons?

Those three browsers account for over 94% of all activity on the web.
If you're a House person, you say that it's population that matters.  If
you're a Senate person, you're all about equal representation.

I fall so heavily under the House category that I don't even think about
it anymore.  :)

What do these other 97+ browsers do, and what are the reasons supporting
coding for them?


-----Original Message-----
From: aardvark [mailto:roselli at earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 10:41 AM
To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
Subject: RE: [thelist] MouseOver for graphical submit buttons?

> >  Folks, we need to be clear on this: IE 4+, Netscape 6, and at
> > least Opera 5 *all* support images rollovers on image inputs
> > (<input type="image">). Netscape 4.x does not. This question
> > keeps popping up, and people continue to state -- incorrectly --
> > that it can't be done.
> > people continue to state -- incorrectly -- that it can't be done.
> > can argue about. But whether rollovers on image inputs are
> > possible on most browsers is not. They *do* work on most
> > browsers.

one note...

IE, NN, and Opera are three of over 100 browsers on the market...

i'd just qualify your statement with the idea that most of the
browsers *in use* can handle this...

but by no means do most of the browsers handle this... in fact,
only about 3% of them do...

--------------------- End of message text --------------------

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