[thelist] synchronizing remote/local

Morbus Iff morbus at disobey.com
Mon Jan 22 14:42:31 CST 2001

 >Does anyone have a good technique for synchronizing a local copy of a site
 >with the online version? What I'm looking for is something that will only
 >upload files if the last-modified date is different. Dreamweaver is supposed
 >to do this under Site|Synchronize, but it usually thinks all the files are
 >new and need to be uploaded.

Welp, there's always Anarchie/Interarchy, which I use constantly to 
maintain 3000+ file sites. It allows you to define a bookmark which you can 
simply click on, and it will compare file sizes (not dates) to determine 
which ones to upload. You can also define a "mirror placeholder", which 
allows you to say "hey! don't sync this directory!", which is helpful for 
log reports, cgi-bins, or other like directories.

I've heard Transfer and NetFinder have the same ability, but last I knew, 
Transfer didn't have mirror placeholders, and I haven't had a chance to try 

Morbus Iff
.sig on other machine.

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