[thelist] Boston drinkies

Bob Davis bobd at lists.evolt.org
Mon Feb 5 14:48:37 CST 2001

on 2/5/01 12:21 PM, Herzog, Ari at Ari_Herzog at Instron.com wrote:

> Along the same line as Martin and London,
> how about for Boston? And I was thinking of maybe
> meeting up at Fire & Ice, maybe the Harvard Sq location.
> Either that, or Jillian's on Lansdowne
> or of course any of the breweries (northeast, cambridge, etc).

I'd be up for Cambridge (somewhere).  Just not tonight :)
(for those of you not in New England, we're having a bit of a Nor`Easter).

How About John Harvards?  Plow and Stars?  Can Tab (especially if the Peanut
Man is there)? Redbones (I think they have Belhaven on tap)? Plenty of
watering holes to choose from.



bob davis
bobd at members.evolt.org

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