[thelist] SQL (or ASP?) selecting from a multi-valued column

Elfur Logadottir elfur at elfur.is
Mon Feb 5 16:22:37 CST 2001

ok, I'm really beginning to wonder if having that column
multi-valued was a good idea.

Now I'm doing a select request, based on what is in that
column, with no luck.

say the column holds the values, "1,3,6,9,10,11,12" but I
want all the records that have "1" (one, not 1 as part of
how do I do that?

I tried "select * from display where cat contains 1 order by
name" but that returns "1,10,11,12".

How am I supposed to build that select request.

This cat field is holding ID info, that can be joined with
another table, but is mainly deciding in which category the
data is suppose to appear.

While I really think that multi-valued column is the right
way to go, I'm having some huge problems using it.

*the frustrated one*

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