[thelist] SQL (or ASP?) selecting from a multi-valued column

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Tue Feb 6 01:27:37 CST 2001

Seems this would require CommaSeparatedList to be a subquery:

>"select * from display where [cat] in (" & CommaSeparatedList & ") 
>order by [name]"

Maybe someone translate this to ASP:

<cfset strLen = Len(cat) + 1>
<cfquery datasource="dsn" name="solution">
	FROM display
	WHERE cat LIKE '%,#cat#,%' OR
		LEFT(cat,#strLen#) = '#cat#,' OR
		RIGHT(cat,#strLen#) = ',#cat#'

>  > From: "Elfur Logadottir" <elfur at elfur.is>
>>  Date: 2001/02/05 Mon PM 10:19:50 EST
>>  To: <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
>  > Subject: [thelist] SQL (or ASP?) selecting from a multi-valued column

What's the SQL to return columns which contain a comma delimited list 
of values if that list contains a particular value that I want to 
pass to the SQL statement?

>  > thanks
>>  [elfur]
>  > *the frustrated one*
- Erik Mattheis
(612) 827 3963

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