[thelist] Does NN Have Issues With CSS?

H. G. Quinn hgquinn at attglobal.net
Tue Feb 6 04:12:37 CST 2001

When I create a test document and use a div with a text-aligned style selector
as its class, it works in NN 4.6, IE 5 and N 6, when the stylesheet is imbedded
in the document, and when it is linked.  You may have an inheritance issue --
the order of inheritance may be different for N 6 as compared with the other
browsers.  What are the attributes for body and other containers that are
defined in the style sheet?  One of these may be overriding your text-align:
center for your table's div, for N 6, but not for the other browsers.

Salvatore Palmisano wrote:

> Very strange problem.
> I have a linked CSS page that has a class named center, which, of all
> things, text-aligns center.
> When I use this code to attempt to center a table in NN 6, nothing happens:
> <DIV class="center"><TABLE code blah blah></DIV>
> But it works perfectly in IE 5.x
> When I use a straight <CENTER> tag next to the <TABLE> code, all is well in
> both browsers.
> Can I not center a table in NN with a DIV tag and CSS center class?
> Thanks all.
> --Salvatore (Netscape Navigator is my albatross) Palmisano
> Chief Information Officer
> International Security Solutions, Inc.
> spalmisano at usaiss.com

Heather Quinn
hgquinn at attglobal.net

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