[thelist] international friendly form

Michael McGlynn blastronaut at excite.com
Tue Feb 6 18:31:31 CST 2001

i love this list!

I am going use a drop down of all countries with "United States" selected,
with a States drop down and Zip Code field. Then an event the changes the
fields dynamically to "State or Province" and "Postal Code". problem solved.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Dyer [mailto:ben at imaginuity.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:44 PM
To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
Subject: RE: [thelist] international friendly form

But, there's really no way to have an effective form that's generic enough.
You could have a blank box for State/Province which covers everybody, but
then when culling through the data, it's almost impossible to sort easily:
some people will enter in "Texas", others will enter in "TX".  Others won't
read directions and might enter "Dallas, TX 75201" or whatever.  How do you
sort that data?  The drop-down simplifies things.

By doing it this way, you're accomodating everybody and making it easy (for
yourself or your client) to sort through the data for where you're from (at
least for an American/Canadian site, I would presume an Australian site
would do the reverse, a drop-down for New South Wales, etc. and a box for

And, just so you know, I'm not trying to be an ugly American, I'm trying to
be as practical as possible.  This is about the best solution I can find.
If bandwidth ever got to a wonderful point (and I had all sorts of time),
I'd love to have a form where when you chose, say, Spain, it had a province
box containing Catalonia, Sevilla, etc.

Ben Dyer
Senior Internet Developer
Imaginuity Interactive

michael mcglynn
interface designer

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