[thelist] international friendly form

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Wed Feb 7 06:38:31 CST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: thelist-admin at lists.evolt.org
> [mailto:thelist-admin at lists.evolt.org]On Behalf Of Herzog, Ari
> Sent: 07 February 2001 01:27
> To: 'thelist at lists.evolt.org'
> Subject: RE: [thelist] international friendly form
> To make it foolproof then, you need
> to database everything. You could have someone, if in the USA,
> type in their five-digit zipcode, and the address, city and state
> could be auto-populated. Hence, a dynamic, database-driven form.
> Look at it another way: Someone who locks her car with any number
> of locking devices (club, alarm, etc) will never be truly safe,
> because if someone wants to steal a car, they will always find a way,
> if even to tow it away themselves. Similarly, no matter how foolproof
> you make a form, someone will always find a way to hack it.

At this point I should draw the honourable member's
attention to (sssshhhh) Jakob Nielsen's research about
what proportion of people fill out detailed address

My own additional tuppenyworth would suggest that 
the forms are bad enough - but if you start putting 
near-Fascist JS traps all over it [You VILL FILL OUT 
ZIS FORM CORRECTLY] then I'm outta there faster than 
you can say 'Barrier to entry'.

John Handelaar

T +44 20 7209 4117       M +44 7930 681789
F +44 870 169 7657   E john at userfrenzy.com

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