[thelist] CF: stupid checkbox problem

Seth Bienek seth at sethbienek.com
Wed Feb 7 19:58:39 CST 2001

> CF refers to the checkbox as 'form.thecheckbox'.  It sees these two params
> as two different variables:
> <cfparam name="form.TheCheckbox" default="No">
> <cfparam name="TheCheckbox" default="No">

<tip type="ColdFusion">
If you declare a variable in ColdFusion and do not supply a scope, the
varaible is automatically assigne the "Variables" scope.

<tip type="ColdFusion">
Scoping your variables in ColdFusion will save you a ton of debugging
headaches.  If you are referring to an element named "foo" passed in via
form for example, refer to it as #form.foo#.  Other commonly used scopes
include Session, Client, URL, CGI, and Cookie.

For more info on scoping CF variables, and more reasons why you should, see:


Seth Bienek
Solutions Development Manager
Stonebridge Technologies, Inc.
972.455.7294 tel
972.404.9754 fax
ICQ #7673959

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