>> I'm working on, >> and right now I'm in an "Intro to Programming Concepts" class >> with the HWG. > > > This brings up a great point, and I can't believe I missed it. > > LEARN FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING. > > The rest is syntax and language/platform specific bells and whistles. With a > solid foundation of programming practices you'll be able to do any of them. Absolutely! Good programming habits and skills are _far_ more important than experience in a specific language. Generally, people worth working for understand this ;-) I recommend that you read the following three books: 1) Code Complete 2) Code Complete 3) Code Complete ;-) It's that good. It's by Steve McConnell from Microsoft Press. You can find it anywhere. (Get it wherever you find it cheapest or that you like best.) It's not language-specific and focuses on fundamentals and best practices of code constructions. It isn't full of formulas, hex, or programming arcana. It's a very easy read full of sensible advice and good information. I can't recommend it highly enough. If you're interested in programming books, I have a couple of suggestions at: Programming Book Reviews http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/codebooks.html Actually, that page is a bit weak since I have to include my own books. I'd love to get suggestions from anyone with a few minutes for books in other categories more generally relevant to this list: Web Design http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/webbooks.html HTML http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/htmlbooks.html Information Design http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/infodesign.html User Interface http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/uibooks.html Usability http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/usability.html http://www.4dcompanion.com/bookreviews/usability.html > (But then again, I'm an INTP, who loves to push fundamentals. > http://www.advisorteam.com/keirsey_rational_architect.html) ENFP