[thelist] CSS/DIV help!

Robin Hastings hastingsr at mrrl.org
Thu Feb 8 14:09:34 CST 2001

Jon ever so helpfully wrote:
> So, the fix is to to change the z-index in your css of p1panel2 to '3' and
> it should all work. But that made my head hurt working that out,
> there must
> be an easier way. (I subscribe to the KISS school of programming)(Keep It
> Simple, Stupid)
I tried to take a canned "tabbed interface" script that I use on the
Intranet site I maintain and modify it to work here - there the tabs are on
top of each other, so that is an artifact of that use of the script. I did
go in and clean up the panel z indexes (indexi?) and that made it work!
Thanks - I'll see what I can do about cleaning up the whole thing, you may
be hearing from me again!!

> Cor blimey this is even worse! I don't know how anyone ever uses these
> DreamWeaver scripts, they're compressed to such an extent that if
> they don't
> do exactly as you want, you're knackered because they're utterly
> unreadable..
> Anyhow, try changing the line
> if (version >= NSvers)
> to
> if (version >= NSvers && version < 5)
> <---(Everyone... NS6 does report it's version number as 5 doesn't it? I
> can't remember. Can't even run the damn thing on my machine) ---->
> I think that'll work.
> Also - does anyone know if getElementById() supported by IE4? I
> don't think
> it is. But the checkBrowser function will allow IE4 users into this page,
> which will then generate a JS error when someone clicks on your tabs. Not
> what you want when you're showing off your work to potential
> customers.....
> So, if it's IE4 you'd better use document.all['panelname'] to get to the
> panels...
> Hope this sort of helps a bit.
> Jon Chard.
This too worked! Thanks!!!  I have checked the stupid thing in NN 4.08, N6
and IE 5.5, Opera 5 and had a friend check it in a couple of other ways -
nobody has IE 4.0, though, so I missed that one. I'll see if I can't get the
browser check to send IE 4.0 to the table layout page as well. This is my
first attempt at browser-version redirection, so you may hear from me again
on this one as well.


Robin Hastings
Webmistress - InterTec Designs
robin at intertecdesigns.com

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