[thelist] Mac NN 4.7, select box & styles

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Thu Feb 8 20:26:31 CST 2001

Dana Adams wrote:
> Is there any hope of getting Mac NN 4.7 to render select boxes to a specified font/size?
> I made a demo site with the code I'm using, and screen shots demonstrating the problem...
> http://www.cki.com/staff/dana/test.html
> TIA (not losing hair yet, but coming close...)

Basically, nope. Control over form elements is *always* a dodgy affair,
and relying on them being a certain size is the road to hell. Give them
a wide berth and you will be a happier, more centered person.


Joe Crawford ||||||||||||||       mailto:jcrawford at avencom.com
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