Homesite/CF Studio tip (was: Re: [thelist] How do you store

Bruce Heerssen bheerssen at
Tue Feb 13 16:55:31 CST 2001

Jakob Nielsen wrote:

> Just to clarify this, are you referring to having folders in the main level
> of the snippets tab or are you referring to having subfolders within those
> folders?

The former. You can have folders in the snippets tab, but no subfolders in them.
I even tried to work around the issue by manually creating subfolders with
windows explorer. No dice. It let me create the subfolders, but they don't show
up in Studio's snippets pane, even after restarting Studio (I use CF Studio,
which is identical to HomeSite in this respect). Who knows, maybe Macromedia
will include that feature in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.



P.S. Pardon the delayed reply as I'm on digest.

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