[thelist] Re: ALT pop-up

Sabrina Dent, Apperception sabrina.dent at appercept.co.uk
Mon Feb 19 04:34:51 CST 2001

> > From: "Aaron Cole" <awcole72 at hotmail.com>

> > I'm all for accessibilty, but I've never understood the need for
> > the pop-up box.  It's obviously not for the blind.

Perhaps not, but it's quite useful to some visually impaired visitors.

As I'm sure you've noticed, most pop-up boxes will render black text on a
cream background, which is a very good colour combo for many (but not all)
visually impaired visitors. They may not be able to clearly define your
groovy graphic, but using a browser such as IE or NN they can still get
information from and about it by reading the ALT pop-ups. Accessibility, to
my standard, means designing a site that can be used by visually impaired
people on "standard" browsers *as well as* "special" browsers.

We tend to provide a dynamic "text only" version of the site where
accessibility is a client criteria. Obviously, we encourage the client to
embrace accessibility, as it's pretty easy to accomplish.


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