[thelist] New to NT

CDitty mail at redhotsweeps.com
Tue Feb 20 13:16:39 CST 2001

Hi all.  I recently upgraded to NT 2k Pro and can't find a certain 
command.  Perhaps someone here knows what it is.  What is the command in NT 
to see the current IP address assigned to your machine? ie...in Windows 
95/98 it is Winipcfg. What is the NT equivalent?

Also, anyone know any good Win 2k sites for bugs, tips, etc?



Can't give a tip, but I can give a program.

<PHP Program - MySQL Database backup>
It's nothing spectacular, but it does it's job.
Let me know if you have problems.

# Variables
# User ID
$userid = "root";

# Password - If you need to use a password add -p${password} to
# $password="passwd";

# Connect to the database
$dblink = mysql_connect("localhost", "$userid");
$db_list = mysql_list_dbs($dblink);

# Location of Mysqldump
$mysqlbindump="/usr/bin/mysqldump -u" . $userid;

# Location of Mysql Database backup directory

# Location of tar

# Location of gzip

$curr_time = date("mdY");

# Let the fun begin
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($db_list)) {
$dbList = $row->Database;
exec("$mysqlbindump --opt $dbList > $dbbackupdir/$curr_time.$dbList.backup");
exec("$tar -cf $dbbackupdir/$curr_time.$dbList.tar 
exec("$gzip $dbbackupdir/$curr_time.$dbList.tar");
exec("rm $dbbackupdir/$curr_time.$dbList.backup");

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