[thelist] DNS caching? Tips to override, refresh DNS?

Scott Dexter sgd at ti3.com
Wed Feb 21 19:01:27 CST 2001

> How does one go about getting local DNS administrators to get a fresh
> copy?

So I was going to throw in my 2 cents here, but Dan (The Man) has much, much
faster fingers than I and laid it down so smoove that not only did I have
nothing to add, I realized I didn't have that much to offer in the first
place ... 

so then, I offer up some MS-based obscurity (which I'm almost *positive* Dan
didn't know ;) )

<tip type="VB,VBScript">
Be careful using CInt().

CInt() *rounds* values when converting them to integers. CInt(1.25) = 1, but

So what do you use to get the whole part of the number without rounding?

Int() truncates at the decimal, no rounding, no problem.


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