[thelist] Tweaking Dreamweaver code (was Homesite vs Dreamweaver)

mccreath mccreath at ak.net
Thu Mar 8 09:31:19 CST 2001


When I first got Dreamweaver 2, I played around with some of the
extensibility stuff, and then got distracte. I suppose if I had applied some
thought, I would have eventually stumbled on this, but now I don't have to!

Thanks, Scott.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: scott.brady at homeqonline.com
> <tip type="Dreamweaver">
> Having Dreamweaver add an empty alt tag in images by default is a
preference you
> can set in DW (at least in DW2, since I have yet to upgrade to a newer
> Go to the Configuration\Ojbects\Common\ subfolder of your Dreamweaver
> In there, you will find a file called "Image.htm", which is basically a
> javascript that tells DW how to insert an image. By default, I
> believe it is
> this:
>      return '<img src="' + escape(browseForFileURL("select", "",
> true)) + '">';
> If you change it to this:
>      return '<img src="' + escape(browseForFileURL("select", "",
> true)) + '"
> alt="">';
> It should now add in the empty alt tag by default.
> </tip>
> Scott

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