[thelist] Need suggestions on site redirection. (fwd)

deke web at master.gen.in.us
Thu Apr 12 10:26:32 CDT 2001

On 12 Apr 2001, at 9:26, djc at members.evolt.org posted a message which said:

> Yeah. The site in question has over 100 indexed keywords, quite a few of 
> them have good listings too exept.....all the links on the search engine 
> points to pages that don t exist anymore. Now. The links are quite easy to 
> pick out, I should have no trouble screening them with the linkcheck 
> reports I have, BUT. The solution to a quickfix? I don t want to make a 
> 'fake' web-page for each link with a redirect in each one.
> I'd like a more professional solution. Basically, anyone know of a one ( or 
> few) file solution, easy to maintain, as gatewaypages will be added to the 
> site to correct this at long term. We have access to all the basic ( 
> open-source) tools, php mysql, linux. Java - perl cgi or SSI.
> Is there anything that can redirect those urls BEFORE the server gives out 
> a 404? Thanks.

Stick a redirect in your .htaccess for each page that is missing.
Sounds like you want to use a temporary redirect, but that's
up to you.



 "The church is near but the road is icy; 
  the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." 
                            -- Russian Proverb

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