[thelist] cell background colors in Netscape 4.76

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Thu Apr 12 12:43:27 CDT 2001

Fortune Elkins wrote:
> i have a table cell with a background image of a grid. within this, i would
> like to add a layer that contains a new table with cells of a certain color.

sounds like:

    <td background="grid.gif">
      <table bgcolor=red>

Which should work fine. Tables are easy to mess up. Do you have a URL to

> but in netscape 4.76 the cells in the new table inherit the background image
> of the larger table cell, even though i've set the background colors
> correctly.
> this design works as intended in IE and netscape 6, just not netscape 4.76.
> how can i make this work?

A demonstration that this *can* work is this page:

http://artlung.com/archive/3/ - where I have that semitransparent baby
blue color which is overridden by an internal table with a bgcolor of
white. Works fine in Netscape 4.x.


	- Joe <http://artlung.com/>
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