[thelist] Java question

Raymond Camden jedimaster at macromedia.com
Mon Apr 30 16:23:58 CDT 2001

Ok, I'm learning Java here, so forgive me if this is a simple question.

I have a class, Account.java, which contains:

package bank;

At the command line, I type this to compile it:

javac -d .\ Account.java

This creates a folder called bank in my current dir. Account.class is
generated inside the folder.

I have a file called CheckingAccount.java. It does:

import bank.*;

But, when my constructor does:

	public CheckingAccount (String name, double amount, double reserve) {
    	super(name, amount);
    	overdraftAmount = reserve;

I get:
CheckingAccount.java:8: cannot resolve symbol
symbol: constructor Account(java.lang.String, double)
location: class Account
	super(name, amount);

Plus some other errors. If I change my import to import bank.Account;, it
works correctly.

Any ideas?

Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Macromedia

Email   : jedimaster at macromedia.com
ICQ UIN : 3679482

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