[thelist] Windows '98 Instability

webmaster at menouno.com webmaster at menouno.com
Mon Apr 30 16:42:18 CDT 2001

On 30 Apr 2001, at 16:38, sales at iibiz.com wrote about 
[thelist] Windows '98 Instability:

> My Windows '98 machine, about 1 1/2 years old, is becoming more and
> more unstable.

Homesite user, by chance?
> Even though it's a plenty powerful machine, lately I end up re-booting
> 2-3 times a day because the system resources run so low it can't
> function.

> I know I read an article explaining this and what you can do, short of
> upgrading, to help alleviate the problems, a while back - but of
> course can't find anything on it now!




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