[fwd] RE: [thelist] Rollover that changes to an animation that loops only once
H. G. Quinn
hgquinn at attglobal.net
Mon Apr 30 16:56:29 CDT 2001
I'll weigh in on this...since the animated version is only needed at rollover
time, why limit the loop to a one-time play? Use an infinite loop at a slow
frame rate, so the user has a high chance of seeing at least one, but
hopefully no more than one, transition during the mouseover state. I did a
test with frame rate at 1 frame per second. A bit slow, I'd change it to 1
frame per half or quarter second. With the infinite loop, the animated image
didn't have to be re-served for the animation to play, so it worked with all
major browsers.
Warden at leo.evolt.org, Matt wrote:
> ...
> > The danger with having the browser re-download
> > the image every time is
> > that you would end up with an increase in
> > bandwidth... Every time
> > someone accidentally mouses over the image,
> > they have to download
> > again... Just doesn't seem like the most useful
> > method...=20
> you're absolutely correct. But, if he/she doesn't want the image cached,
> then re-downloading the image (ONLY for IE5, mind you) seems like the only
> solution... and not that bad of a tradeoff either.
> Just a thought.
> --
> mattwarden
> mattwarden.com
Heather Quinn
info at windyhilldesign.com
hgquinn at attglobal.net
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