[thelist] Windows '98 Instability

Peter Kaulback pkaulbak at idirect.ca
Mon Apr 30 17:34:16 CDT 2001

In the wee hour of 03:17 PM 4/30/01 -0700, sfmalo bequeathed such tales as 
>Then, after installing Netscape 6.01 a couple of months ago, I've
>been having more and more problems to boot (pardon the pun).
>Will be following this thread with great interest.

Netscape 6 is a resource hog anyways, good for testing and benchmarking the 
system resources but that is it.  I use CacheMan 
to customize the windows memory settings to suit my needs and it's been 
very helpful.  But now my slave drive is failing and drawing the life out 
of the master drive too.  HTH
Peter Kaulback

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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