[thelist] Windows '98 Instability

webmaster at menouno.com webmaster at menouno.com
Tue May 1 01:20:36 CDT 2001

On 1 May 2001, at 7:00, Martin wrote about 
Re: [thelist] Windows '98 Instability:

> Not had probs with Homesite, but CFStudio was *dreadful* until the
> last point release (which helped a lot).

Homesite 4.5.2 still has problems with memory leaks. On my AMD K200 
with Win 98 and 256Mb RAM I can have a dozen of programs on at the 
same time, no problem. But with Homesite running, resources can 
quickly go to zero even if the only other active program is Opera or 
any other browser.



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