[thelist] annoying browser cache...

John Corry webshot at neoncowboy.com
Tue May 1 16:14:22 CDT 2001

There's no hope...except to rename the images and upload them as 'new'
files...but thats beyond what I'm willing to do for this piece of shit

Sorry...I'm as frustrated as I ever get with HTML...and its my birthday of
all days...geez!

The core problem is that the images are part of a MM Timeline image swap
thing...where every 3 seconds or so the images change. It works alright, but
*one* of the images in the sequence is an OLD one...and its obvious when it
pops up because elements in that image don'e line up with teh surrounding
<td> contents.

And there's nothing I can do but *wait* until proxies, browsers and servers
decide to cooperate! ACK!

If you have a minute (and a FAST connection...this is NOT a dial-up kind of
site), visit the URL and see if its messed up for you too...

The image in question is the one with the text in it that reads like a
statistic from a trade publication.


<tip type="business/design decisions>
Its tempting to design really cool looking stuff, with the idea that you'll
use your HTML super-skills to translate it into a web page later. DONT DO
IT!!! Web design is design for the web and it has to be planned for the web
from teh very beginning. With this site, I followed the clients whimsy down
the road to hell...and wound up with a site that is so utterly complex that
I can't even work on it without breaking something...

Keep it simple...you'll thank yourself!

> This may not be the root of your problem, but it's something to consider..
> Regards,
> Seth>

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