[thelist] Acrobat Web capture

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Tue May 1 21:00:57 CDT 2001

> From: Peter Kaulback <pkaulbak at idirect.ca>
> I was assisting a friend with a client, and upon completion of the
> site the client decided to drop my friend and his work.  But they then
> used Acrobat's web capture and took the entire site from his test

wait, they didn't spider the site to get the HTML and images, they 
did an Acrobat capture?  are you sure they didn't also spider it as 
well?  what did they approach you to do?

> server.  I know they did this because they approached me with his work
> in PDF format.  I declined, but I'm curious none the less how other's

erm, i would have called my friend and told him what happened... 
and passed over the PDF as well.... that's not good that they had 
him do the work, dumped him, and are farming it out elsewhere 
(assuming he didn't screw up)... regardless of the answer to your 
question, it sounds like the client stole, and you should follow up 
on that... who knows who else they'll try to screw, and you could 
have stepped in...

> deal with the Acrobat Web Capture utility.  Also is there any way to
> prevent the program from capturing your work? Peter Kaulback

sure, but not definitively... serve up p0rn to any browser with a user 
agent similar to "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; WebCapture 1.0; 

otherwise, no, it's really just a web browser, so unless you parse 
the UA, you're stuck... and keep in mind, it's probably easier to 
use a spidering utility to just get the real meat of the site, not just 
the Acrobat version (with all its rendering quirks)...

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