[thelist] Java Applet

Laura J. Rinaldi rinaldi at ihwy.com
Wed May 2 12:24:04 CDT 2001

Hey all,

I asked this a couple of weeks or so ago, and perhaps I wasn't clear, 
so let me try again.

I have an applet where you can enter headlines:



for an example.

However, the person who wants to use it now wants to make sure no 
headlines stays up longer than a day. Is there a way to set the 
applet up to do that? Would it be easier to do something on the page 
to make the headlines expire? Right now, I just type the headlines in 
a .dat file.

Sorry, no tips, but this isn't really off topic.
"When action grows unprofitable, gather information; when information 
grows unprofitable, sleep."
		---Ursula K. Le Guin "The Left Hand of Darkness" (1969)

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