[thelist] Basic Traffic tracking question

deke web at master.gen.in.us
Wed May 2 17:37:40 CDT 2001

On 2 May 2001, at 17:09, John Handelaar posted a message which said:

> > Basic traffic question - our tracking software, Webtrends, shows that a
> > particular "number" such as 234.344.44.22, visited our site at a 
> > certain day
> > and time. First question, is this an IP address
> Yes.  Although this one isn't correct, since it has
> a number larger than 254 in one of its segments.

It isn't *normalized* but most software can handle it.

234.344.44.22 is the same as 3928424214 
which is the same as

BTW, USC "owns" all the IPs from through


 "The church is near but the road is icy; 
  the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." 
                            -- Russian Proverb

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