Fwd: Re: [thelist] Basic Traffic tracking question

martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com
Thu May 3 05:33:08 CDT 2001

Memo from Martin P Burns of PricewaterhouseCoopers

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---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        2/5/01 6:07 pm
Received:    2/5/01 6:03 pm
From:        webmaster at menouno.com
Reply-To:    evolt, thelist at lists.evolt.org
To:          evolt, thelist at lists.evolt.org

>WebTrends and similar
>commercial programs tend to produce the kind of results that
>marketeers want - not always reliable.

They give you the kind of info which marketeers automatically
react by saying that they want it. If they think about it a bit more,
and understand what they're getting out of simple webstats, they
will ask for it much less.

It won't often give much info which is actually *useful* to marketeers
beyond the topline results ("How fast are we growing", rather than
the more useful segmentation info).

>Some useful readings:
Very handy indeed, thanks Massimo


--------------------- End of message text --------------------

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