[thelist] 403.9 error

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Thu May 3 14:55:05 CDT 2001

Ron_Senykoff at BEAEROSPACE.COM wrote:
> The Java applet is not the problem.  Applets execute on the client.

Applets *do* live on the client side, but that doesn't mean they can't
make network calls - anyone who's played that Pictionary game or used a
Java chat client will tell you that an applet doesn't necessarily mean
it's all on the client-side.

That said, I don't have any guesses to actually help the questioner. :-\

	- Joe <http://artlung.com/>

> My guess is
> that the host of this site has something set up to limit simultaneous
> connections from a single IP address (all your students are going through some
> sort of router/firewall).  Many download sites do this to prevent people with
> bandwidth from leeching files like crazy and sucking up the server's bandwidth
> as a result.
Joe Crawford ||||||||||||||       mailto:jcrawford at avencom.com
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