[thelist] 403.9 error

Bob Davis bobd at members.evolt.org
Thu May 3 15:35:00 CDT 2001

On Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 03:56 PM, McCreath_David wrote:

>> Are you using Access as the DB backend?? If so - Access does
>> not like 3+  simultaneous hits. You'll probably want to run
>> mySQL or another database.
> Hm. I don't think they're using a DB backend period, but that's a good
> thought. Would that actually throw a 403.9, though? I'd think that would
> show an Access error on the page...

Not necessarily - when ColdFusion chokes on Access, you get a timeout 
usually.  It's a CF error that you see, and you get to deduce that the 
problem is Access.


bob davis
bobd at members.evolt.org

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