[thelist] Top of page breadcrumb navigation

Ben Dyer ben_dyer at imaginuity.com
Thu May 3 16:39:56 CDT 2001

But you did technically take a linear path to get to that point.


<tip type="Photoshop">
Upgrade to Photoshop 6 and discovered your GIF89a was missing?  It doesn't 
appear to be part of the default install anymore.  It is, however, still on 
the CD.  Explore the CD.  In the plug-ins folder under "Adobe Photoshop 
Only" under "Import-Export"...there it is.  Just drag it to your 
plug-ins\Adobe Photoshop Only\Import-Export folder and then start up Photoshop.

At 04:29 PM 5/3/2001, you wrote:

>I agree completely. I just don't agree with the term 'breadcrumbs'
>To me 'breadcrumbs' represent your path through the site. Since the web is a
>form of hypermedia, defining things in linear fashion doesn't always work
>too well.

Ben Dyer
Senior Internet Developer
Imaginuity Interactive

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