[thelist] Subdomain name mapping

Simon Coggins ppxsjc1 at unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk
Fri May 4 09:52:26 CDT 2001

Hi All,

I have a personal site on a server which my ISP is going to switch off in
a couple of weeks time. It's been online for a couple of years now and I
don't want to lose all the visitors that follow links to the URL, but as
they are switching off the server I won't be able to include a redirect
page to my new site.

The current url is of the form:


And we are being moved to:


Now I think I am trying to persuade the ISP to keep the old url active in
some way, but I don't really know enough about running servers to be able
to speak to them and be sure I know what I'm talking about.

I suspect it would be fairly easy to map the old subdomain to the new
location, or another location, for all the users, even if the old server
is being shut down completely. Am I correct about this? How would this be

The server is running Windowws NT, by the way.



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