[thelist] Linux startup problem

dsm dsmah at home.com
Fri May 4 11:35:56 CDT 2001

You could change the script that starts up mysql to not echo the
status messages to the screen.  On my setup that is:


Comment out the messages that you don't want.


CDitty writes:

> Hello all. I have just successfully installed the Mysql server on my RH 
> box. I have gotten it to start the server on startup. But, when it does, 
> the startup command continues on to the next screen. See below.....
> Chris-Linux login: Starting mysqld daemon with databases 
> from/usr/local/mysql/data
> How can I get it to start silently? I copied the mysql.server file to the 
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and linked it to the rc3.d/S99mysql and to 
> rc0.d S0mysql files.

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