[thelist] Linux startup problem

Daniel J. Cody djc at starkmedia.com
Fri May 4 14:01:00 CDT 2001

Hey Chris -

CDitty wrote:
> Chris-Linux login: Starting mysqld daemon with databases
> from/usr/local/mysql/data
> How can I get it to start silently? I copied the mysql.server file to the
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and linked it to the rc3.d/S99mysql and to
> rc0.d S0mysql files.

Do you mean it gives that output when redhat is booting up? like the 

something starting..				[OK]

screen is what i'm talking about.. are you saying that you dont want
anything to show up at all there or something else?

Maybe i'm just confused or soemthing, but gimme some more info and we'll
work it out :)


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