CORBA was: Re: [thelist] 403.9 error

Ron Thigpen rthigpen at
Fri May 4 14:23:56 CDT 2001

This is simply another way that Java applets running in the JRE sandbox can
connect back to a server.  These applets may be written to do HTTP, SOAP over
HTTP, RMI, IIOP, etc.  IIOP is a network protocol that clients, brokers(ORBs),
and servers use to converse in the CORBA model. 

Trying to build a scalable infrastructure with many clients in a
client-to-orb-server architecture is challenging.  Most CORBA applications tend
to be written for server-to-server interactions.  Much like Java, CORBA is not
solely a server-side technology, but this is where it has been applied most


Martin wrote:
> Ron_Senykoff at BEAEROSPACE.COM wrote on 4/5/01 1:14 pm
> ><snip>
> >What are CORBA applets?

> Yes, but you'd rarely expect them to appear at the browser. They're
> more used as middleware components.

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