[thelist] Creating a style sheet for an existing website

deke web at master.gen.in.us
Fri May 4 23:42:58 CDT 2001

On 4 May 2001, at 16:52, kalyani deshpande posted a message which said:

> I have a 40-page website I'd like to create a style
> sheet for. The pages were created using an editor (Net
> Objects Fusion), so there are tons of font tags all
> over the place. To accomplish this (seemingly
> tedious) task, would I have to do a "search and
> delete" on all the tags or is there an easier way of
> getting this done? I'm using GoLive.

HTML-TIDY has an option to replace font tags with
CSS.  That would carry you a long way towards
building your style sheets. 

HTML-TIDY is written by Dave Raggett, the guy who
writes the HTML specifications for W3C. You can
find a link for downloading TIDY on the W3C website.


 "The church is near but the road is icy; 
  the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." 
                            -- Russian Proverb

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