[thelist] Mac could not put away CD after using IE4.5 to view web interface - mysteriously cured!

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Sun May 6 17:27:24 CDT 2001

Yeah, I belive something like that's happened to every Mac user ...

This is wild speculation, but a common problem on Macs is when you 
quit an application, the Finder sometimes doesn't take back all the 
memory the application was using, leaving that RAM in limbo until you 
restart. Seems conceivable that a reference to something on a CD 
could be in that "lost" memory making whatever it is still "in use" 
... dunno, wild speculation.

There's a freeware utility that frees up that memory without 
restarting ... I forget what it's called ... but you could verify if 
that's what it is or not if it happens again.

IE Mac before 5.0 was absolutely horrible and people are used to it 
crashing, etc ... for that matter Mac users in general are used to 
restarting a lot ...

>In brief, after viewing pages using IE4.5, if the CD icon is dragged to the
>wastebasket BEFORE closing the browser this error message is displayed:
><error message>
>The disk "CDVolume" could not be put away
>because it contains the file "FILE.GIF",
>which is in use.
>Quit all programs using "FILE.GIF", then
>try putting away the disk again.
></error message>
>Sometimes the culprit is a .GIF, sometimes a .CSS, sometimes a .JPG file.
>Trouble is, closing down IE does not solve the problem,
- Erik Mattheis

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