[thelist] max window content size?

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Mon May 7 20:57:44 CDT 2001

The only way I'm going to be able to satisfy a client's needs is to 
open a new window and require 800x600 screen res - yes, I've told her 
what this means, and she's aware of all the issues - she wants it BIG!

So I'm trying to figure out how much real-estate I'm going to have to 
work with if I open a window with the status bar and margins at 0 at 
availWidth and availHeight ... am I correct here:

_______ content width ________________

800 - (43 + (6 * 2)) = 745 pixels

43 = width of task bar on left
6 = right and left window borders in NN


________ content height ______________

600 - (32  + 22 + 32 ) = 514 pixels available for content height

32 = height of title bar in NN
22 = height of status bar in NN
32 = height of a single rowed task bar on bottom

- Erik Mattheis

"Everything's better"
(612) 827 3963

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